Friday, October 21, 2011


                When you see and hear the word ENERGY some may think of non-stop motion-fuel. Well, it’s just that-energy is that fuel that gets you through that long workout or even through your long days. But one of the most important questions is how do we maintain that level of energy that is going to give us that fuel that is needed. I don’t like to use the word diet because then people began to think of not eating. The foods that we eat produce the source of our energy we need so if you are not taking in the proper amount of carbohydrates, protein and other vital nutrients then your energy levels will remain low. The answer is simple and yes you’ve heard it before: 
  • Maintain a balanced eating habit
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Stay focused 
Quick Tips:
  • Don’t cheat yourself because dieting is not the answer- it’s a quick solution to a long term problem. Most diets have proven to fail, but eating properly with balance is the right answer
  • If you are feeling sluggish or completely drained it’s probably because you are no longer balanced. Under eating is just as dangerous as over eating so remember if it can fit in the palm of your hand then your servings are probably adequate
  • Always consult your physician before completely changing how you eat
  • Again, don’t cheat with additives like coffee or energy drinks
  • Simply eat healthly meals –drink plenty of water, get some rest while remaining focused and you will have all the energy you need to keep your MIND-BODY-N-SOUL on track
My goal is to help break the daily drag and get your energy levels reved up and back at the top of the chart...