Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Up Hill Climb From a Painful Journey

        Like most people today we all have experienced some type of injury or set back in life, but the simple reality to that fact is we still must stay focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I have had several serious injuries to include sustaining a herniated disc in my back that impacts my life daily; however that doesn’t stop or slow me down. Because my health and fitness was important to me I took the measures to research the exercises that I could continue to do without causing further damage to back- and the results are phenomenal. If we stood toe to toe you would never imagine I had such an injury so I challenge you today- what is your excuse? What it all boils down to is INNER strength, discipline, and commitment. I continue to do cardio, weight strengthen and plyometric on a daily basis. For some exercises I have to modify them but I still get the same results.

1.    Don’t be afraid- recovering from an injury can be devastating, but doing nothing for your health and fitness could be even greater. Jump in and start again slowly working up to a comfortable level ensuring not to cause further damage.
2.    Switch up your routine: believe it or not your muscles have a memory so just like learning if you do the same repetitive thing you don’t grow and neither will your fitness level. If you are looking to tone your muscles then you have to add variety to your workout program. Adding some weights will give you great results and burn more calories faster.
3.       EATING TO MATCH YOUR WORKOUT: Overeating is also a problem for most people whether you are working out or not. If your goal is to lose weight then you shouldn’t be eating the same amount of calories you just burned off. What you eat does matter- pick a lean mean that's low in calories to supplement your hunger after a workout. Try to stay away from fast foods and foods cooked in the microwave they often times contain high fat and large amounts sodium which retains water in the body.
a.      Morning workouts should be followed up with a healthy breakfast like oatmeal, whole grain cereal, boiled egg or fresh fruits.
b.    Noonday workouts should contain foods like baked chicken, grilled or baked fish, a baked potatoes, vegetables, salad or fresh fruits.
c.     Evening workouts again can be similar to the noonday meal but you should add some variety there. You can even add a steak for protein supplement to help with the recovery of your muscles.
Whatever you do remember to eat, skipping meals is just as worst as overeating and don't forget to drink plenty of water. Being in good health is the lifeline to succeeding in your MIND-BODY-N-SOUL. So challenge yourself to be an over comer and to push through your Up Hill Climb From Your Painful Journey-start your descend to a healthy life…

Friday, October 21, 2011


                When you see and hear the word ENERGY some may think of non-stop motion-fuel. Well, it’s just that-energy is that fuel that gets you through that long workout or even through your long days. But one of the most important questions is how do we maintain that level of energy that is going to give us that fuel that is needed. I don’t like to use the word diet because then people began to think of not eating. The foods that we eat produce the source of our energy we need so if you are not taking in the proper amount of carbohydrates, protein and other vital nutrients then your energy levels will remain low. The answer is simple and yes you’ve heard it before: 
  • Maintain a balanced eating habit
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Stay focused 
Quick Tips:
  • Don’t cheat yourself because dieting is not the answer- it’s a quick solution to a long term problem. Most diets have proven to fail, but eating properly with balance is the right answer
  • If you are feeling sluggish or completely drained it’s probably because you are no longer balanced. Under eating is just as dangerous as over eating so remember if it can fit in the palm of your hand then your servings are probably adequate
  • Always consult your physician before completely changing how you eat
  • Again, don’t cheat with additives like coffee or energy drinks
  • Simply eat healthly meals –drink plenty of water, get some rest while remaining focused and you will have all the energy you need to keep your MIND-BODY-N-SOUL on track
My goal is to help break the daily drag and get your energy levels reved up and back at the top of the chart...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Maintaining Momentum

Now that we've gotten over the early morning blues the next question is,how do we maintain that momentum? Sorry, but there is no simple formula or answer to this question, but you do have to ask yourself- why did you start working out in the first place. For some, it was too loose a few extra pounds, others wanted to get toned and for most they just wanted to develop a healthier lifestyle. Well whatever your motivation is/was it should be the same one that keeps that momentum going.
Here's some tips to keep you focused- 

Feel the burn out- not burn out:
When you feel that you are getting burned out on your workout routine, don't stop- switch up and change the type you are doing. Your body shouldn't suffer because your mind is bored-balance is the key. Your MIND-BODY-N-SOUL has to be in-sync.
Ready switch:
Variety in exercises keep the mind stimulated. I use an alternating workout session with my clients. Concentrated weight training, Core training, and a body motion regiment. It isolates the different muscle groups but gives your mind a new journey each time. Plus you burn more calories when you focus and not cheat.
No excuses:
Every now and then you just can't make it to the gym to do that solid workout that you have built for yourself. Not a problem- there are plenty of household items that can keep you going until you hit the gym again.

1. Arm curls, Shoulder press, Chest press, and Back:
Use full 24oz.or 36oz. juice or water bottle with handles (or lighter)

2. Abdominal Crunches and Oblique Twist: Broom or mop handles
can be used to work this section

3. Gluts and Calves: Step stool or folding chairs can be
used to work

4. Legs: Lunges and Squats with 48 oz. laundry detergent bottle

Remember your body deserves the best your mind can give so strengthen your mind-muscle (the brain) and keep that workout going...
Presented to you by MIND-BODY-N-SOUL

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Early Morning Blues

       All right ladies and gentle it's time to get up and get those bodies moving. If you are like me, the morning comes to early especially after a long evening of homework, cooking and getting prepared for the next day. But trust me your body will appreciate the attention you give once you get up and get those feet moving. I have a simple philsophy- my body is not my own so I must take care of it for the purpose in which it was designed...

 Here's some quick tips to help move you in the right direction:
    •  Forget about the snooze button on your alarm clock- it doesn't exist.
    • If you let your mind convene you that it doesn't matter then the battle is over. It has to matter because your life and love ones depend on your good health.
    • Yes, getting plenty of rest is important but without exercise all the rest in the world will not help to promote a healthy heart or strong bone structure.
    • Working out early in the morning stimulates an extra level of energy that helps to sustain you through the day. Your blood is flowing, calories are burning and weigh loss is being produced.
 So let's get up and get over the early morning blues...Your life depends it

Presented to you by: MIND-BODY-N-SOUL  Total Fitness Transformation